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Womb awakening
“The womb is the seat of our soul Shakti, and a portal to the source of love.
Our soul essence has been covered up with conditioning and programs from the world. As we reconnect with our womb (or hara in men), we experience a profound liberation and a return to our true self.
The calling of the womb is the call to reclaim our power, and to return to our very essence, to our natural state of being, and relive life from there.
The voice of the womb is a voice of truth, ensuring healthy boundaries and an uncompromising loyalty to our authentic being. The womb reminds us that we can heal anything, transform anything, and grow into the fullest expression of who we came here to be.
In the centre of our womb, we rediscover our sexuality as a powerful force of love, the force of life itself, holding unlimited potential for creation and inseparable from the essence of who we are.
Within the many dimensions of our soul and psyche, and as expressed by our body, our relationships, and the events in our life, we uncover our wounds, both personal and transgenerational as well as collective. Through shadow work, core wound exploration, held by a safe, sacred, and loving container, we can begin to open to the full truth of our pain, our grief and allow them to flow through, revealing suppressed pats of ourselves, including some of our greatest gifts.
Through womb consciousness, we enter the feminine realm of life, which includes, honours and cherishes the body.
Through movement, song, ritual, dance, and meditation we re-enter a space of connection, celebration, and communication with the sacred chalice, our womb.
Through our embodiment we reconnect with the essential wisdom of the sacred feminine and the knowledge of our creativity cycles - from conception to menstruation and the wonder create life and give birth. “
Seren and Azra Bertrand