Feminine Magic Retreat
6. October - 8. October 2023
Available spots
Service Description
The Enchantress is a woman in her full power, possesses the skills to communicate with the elemental world in the ancient language, she is a channel of unseen energies and a magician who is impeccable in her art of holding energy in the invisible otherworld, and the realm of the relational earthly world of tribe, family and community. But through history our feminine magic power thresholds have been untended, unguided, uninitiated and lost because of the silencing of the Enchantresses. Women have not had the magical instruction to individuate their power. Where were the Enchantresses and Weavers to initiate you into feminine magic? Who was the last Enchantress in your Lineage? If you feel the call and longing to rediscover your ancestral female magical lineage and bring them back into consciousness, the need for a deeper initiation into the legacy and wisdom, ancient women had left for you to reconnect with, you are very welcome to join this intense three day long spiritual journey. CONTENT: • The Lineage and Legacy of the Enchantress • What are Enchantresses • Feminine magicians gifts • Charisma, Charmers, Charming Women • Incantrix, Chanters, Enchanting Women • Weavers, Spinning Women and Wealth • Magic mother and womb mother • The magical archetypes • Alchemizing the mother wound • Enchantress and Grief magic • Enchanted Relationships • The Alchemical Enchantress WHAT WE WILL DO: • Theoretical presentation of the topic • Make a vibrational Feminine Magic Elixir • Create a Mugwort bundle • Magnetic Radiance body practice • Transformational Magic • Alchemical Magic • Enchantress Initiation Ritual WHAT TO BRING: • Meditation pillow and blanket • Water bottle • Paper and pen • Black or Red dress • Empty class tincture bottle • Incense, flowers, and a small snack to share The Retreat will be held in my bohemian apartment and there also lives my cat Taliesin. For booking your spot please send a email request to dorisschmitz2@googlemail.com There are only 6 spots available.